Piano Teachers are Professionals

For some of you that statement is obvious. You understand that piano teachers are indeed professionals. However, every so often I hear a comment here or there that piano teachers are not really that good. I’ve even had comments made to my face, in the context of meeting a new student (or parent when it comes to students that are children) where they are not exactly accusing me of ripping them off, but they are very much being pushy and demanding.

Some of you will know this, but others need to find out that piano teachers are professionals. Piano teachers will have spent years learning to play the instrument and then usually they will obtain some sort of qualification. Here in Australia, there are no formal requirements that a person needs in order to get private students, but more often you will find that piano teachers have qualifications. Piano teachers (and for that matter, all instrumental teachers) these days will attend workshops and seminars to learn more, so to improve their skill as a music teacher. I have attended seminars where some have travelled hours to get there, because they value their professionalism.

I know that 50 plus years ago, it was common for a piano teacher to yell, scream, demand and even hit students fingers with rulers. I know this was common, because I have heard stories over the years, directly from people who experienced this. Unfortunately a number of piano teachers acted like tyrants.

Those days, fortunately, are long gone. If a piano teacher ever tried to hit a students’ hands because they hit a wrong note, these days they would be charged with assault by the police and their reputation would be in tatters and they would loose all their students.

Piano teachers understand that if they don’t do a good job, then their students would find another teacher. Us piano teachers understand that in the last few years, thanks to Covid, online piano lessons are becoming commonplace through platforms like Zoom and Skype. I personally know a piano teacher that has regular piano students that have lessons over the internet that live in a different country! What this all means is that there is competition for piano teachers and this is a good thing.

Piano teachers, just like other professions, take their work seriously. Piano teachers will ensure that their knowledge, whether it is the music side or the teaching side of the work is up to date. We are committed to giving each and every one of our students, the best advice, correction and encouragement. When you use a piano teacher, you are getting the best of their knowledge and experience. Sure, there are probably a few that should not be teaching, however this is true in all fields of work – there will always be the odd one who does a terrible job.

Sometimes a piano teacher will do something that seems strange to you, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know what they are doing. For instance, I will always try something unorthodox if the usual methods are not working for a particular student and I will keep trying different ideas until I have helped the student.

So on behalf of the vast majority of piano teachers, I would like to say: We are professional. We give all our knowledge and experience into helping you learn to play the piano. Just because you don’t always know what we are doing, we most certainly do. We care about our students. We deserve to be paid for our time, on time. By all means, do ask us questions but do not presume we do not know what we are doing and try to tell us how to teach.