Reasons Why  You Should Not Learn To Play The Piano

I know this sounds quite strange, particularly coming from a blog the is all about giving information and encouragement to retirees to learn to play the piano, but hang in there because there is very much a point I want to make. One reason that you should not learn to play the piano, is because … Read more

Don’t Quit When Learning Gets Hard

In some ways it is the easiest thing in the world to quit when things get tough and it is no different when you are learning to play the piano. It is easy to forget that hard does not mean impossible, hard just means that it is challenging. I know I am preaching to the … Read more

Piano Teachers Are Not What They Used To Be

Piano teachers have traditionally been thought of as hard task masters who were generally mean. I realize that in the past, this reputation was well earned. There have been many tales of piano teachers absolutely demanding that scales had to be practised to complete perfection or there would be consequences. I have also heard stories … Read more

Music Terminology – Why Are There Two Different Systems?

Music terminology tends to have two different systems in the English language to name note values, rest values as well as a few assorted other terms. Obviously, other languages would have there own terminology words. In English, there is the British English terminology and the American English terminology. This isn’t surprising as there are so … Read more

The Deaf Scottish Percussionist

Yes, you read correctly, the topic for today is about the deaf Scottish Percussionist. I first heard of this lady many years ago. Her name is Evelyn Glennie and she wasn’t born deaf – she started going deaf at the age of 8 and gradually lost her hearing until the age of 12 when she … Read more

Learn What You Enjoy Listening To

I know it seems like I am stating the obvious here, but it really is important that you learn what you enjoy listening to. Usually, if you thoroughly enjoy listening to a particular piece of music, you are going to enjoy learning it and playing it on the piano. So many times we can get … Read more