Why Do You Procrastinate?

Yes, I am talking to you – why do you procrastinate at learning to play the piano? If you have been reading my blog for a bit, you clearly want to learn to play the piano or else why would you waste your time on a website called Piano For Retirees? I get that procrastination … Read more

Why Does Baroque Music Seem to Be Harder than Other Genres of Music?

Maybe it is just me, but when I was learning to play the piano, I often really struggled with learning to play anything from the Baroque Era (which was from about 1600 to 1750). For me, this meant quite a bit of Handel and J.S. Bach. For those of us that studied classical music, you … Read more

Focus on the Daily Goal, not the Long Term Goal

I’ve been thinking lately about why kids seem to be content when they are learning something new, like learning the piano, unlike adults, who seem to spend so much energy wondering whether they are going to be any good. If you think of a five or six year old, they don’t worry whether they will … Read more

What is the Difference Between Simple Time and Compound Time?

As a piano teacher, I have been asked this question many times and sometimes the information available is not clear cut. First of all, every time signature that exists in western traditions of music falls into the category of either simple time or compound time. Simple time includes: 2/4, 3/4,  4/4 Compound time examples are: … Read more

Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained

Most of us would be quite familiar with the expression of ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’. It was certainly a phrase that I heard my mother say many times when I was little and in some ways, I have taken it to heart. ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’, really does put into a compact expression the notion … Read more

Why Retirees and Older People Can be Nervous at Starting at a Later Age

I have my own particular theory as to why retirees and older people can be quite hesitant at taking the plunge and finally learning to play the piano. We live in a society that glorifies youth. Don’t get me wrong, I am not against young people – they can have so much optimism and energy, … Read more

The Difference Between Wanting and Wishing to Play the Piano

As I have stated many times before, I get so many people telling me that they would like to learn to play the piano. I would have heard it hundreds, if not, a few thousand times and I have learned that people don’t always mean what they say. Actually, when it really comes down to … Read more