You Don’t Have to Be a Kid to Learn to Play the Piano

There is a common misconception out there that learning to play the piano is only possible when you are a kid. This is simply not true. People of all ages can learn to play the piano if they are willing to put in the effort. Sometimes adults believe that either they have missed their window of opportunity or they are just no longer capable of learning to play the piano. These people either really underestimate themselves or maybe they are just not willing to take the risk – they would rather believe that they can’t play rather than putting in the effort and knowing that they can’t play.

I believe that anyone, of any age can learn to play the piano. I don’t just believe it, as I have seen with my own eyes – people in their eighties taking piano lessons. I once heard of a ninety four year old having piano lessons. As far as I’m concerned, as long as the brain is intact, there is always a possibility of learning – and not just learning to play the piano.

You might be surprised to learn that the biggest demographic of piano students after kids is retirees. It is not just a few people that are learning or re-learning to play the piano. Why would I bother to write a blog if it were just a handful of retirees that were taking up playing the piano? I know that there is quite a lot of you out there.

I remember a few years ago during the height of the covid lockdowns and travel restrictions that I was told by a piano salesman that piano sales were actually booming. He told me that the reason for the boom in sales was that retirees were buying pianos to play themselves because they couldn’t spend their money on traveling like they had originally planned. These retirees figured that travel restrictions would be around for some time so they might as well make the most of being stuck at home and learn to play the piano, or to return to playing the piano after a hiatus of many years.

It is not strange or weird, or even unusual for adults learning to play the piano. It is not just the domain of kids. So if you are seriously thinking of taking piano lessons, don’t delay – just get started and join your fellow retirees that are already enjoying spending their time playing the piano.

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