You Are Never Too Old To Play the Piano

I sometimes hear from older people that they consider themselves too old to learn to play the piano, and in some ways I get it – western society doesn’t appreciate the older generations  and consider them ready for the scrap heap. The truth is that older people can still do a lot of things and are certainly capable of doing things in their 70’s, 80’s and even their 90’s.

I know that I have talked about my own grandmother and how much playing the piano was such an important part of her senior years. She would play the piano every morning right through her 70’s and 80’s and she only stopped playing the piano at the age of 91 or 92 because she could hear that that she did not play as well as what she used to be able to. Not coincidently, she was diagnosed with dementia around this time and started to forget quite a few things, not just the pieces of music that she loved to play on the piano.

Currently I am teaching an 81 year old woman who has always wanted to learn to play the piano, but because of many circumstances, she never really had the opportunity until now. From the perspective of being her piano teacher, I really enjoy teaching this lovely lady and despite what some people may think, she is making better than average progress. This student doesn’t always practice everyday but she gets some done each week and she does her best. One other important piece of information is that a few years ago, she had a stroke and has recovered reasonably well. A big part of her motivation to keep up her piano lessons and practice is that she wants to keep her brain active so she doesn’t end up with dementia. She is certainly achieving this.

A few years ago, I met a piano teacher that all of her piano students are retired and that she just loves teaching older students. This teacher also shared with me that at the time she was teaching a lovely 96 year old gentleman.

I get that deteriorating health can impact a person’s senior years and for some it happens earlier and some it happens much later, but rather than just sitting around proclaiming that you are too old to learn to play the piano, actually do something before it is actually too late.