Which Genre of Piano Music is Better?

Piano music is often divided into 3 main genres – classical, jazz and modern/popular. Obviously within those three main categories, there are several subcategories. As a result of there being several subcategories, some can and do argue that there are more than three genres. I understand why some might argue this way, but I think it is more useful to the average person to use these three general categories or genres.

Among the so called experts and depending on their own personal bias, many of these experts will try to argue that their genre of choice is better, or harder, or a better representation of what real music is. While my bias is definitely towards classical music, I think all three genres or categories are worthwhile and all are valid forms of music. Different does not have to mean of a lesser quality. I think many of the experts forget this distinction.

What is often referred to as classical music, covers medieval music, renaissance music, the classical period, the romantic period as well as 20th century music. So what is often called classical music can often refer to all of these periods  and dates back as far as the 13th or 14th century in Europe. Jazz music was started in the late 19th century in the United States, specifically New Orleans. Popular or modern music probably starts with the 1950’s and 1960’s music that was first popular on radio and then has since branched out  to include what is popular on YouTube or TikTok. It may not be obvious, unless you think about it, but there is certainly some overlap with all three types of music.

What is really important to state here is that depending on the time and geographical location, all three types of music were popular with the average person. Some elements of classical music were always meant to be sophisticated, but the majority was actually popular with the average person.

Almost all piano music was written to become popular  – it was not meant to be music for the sake of music – there was always a purpose. So even though classical, jazz and modern music can sound extremely different to each other, they are all of value and all worthwhile, as far as enjoyment goes. I do not understand the snobbery that can exist around certain types of piano music. No musical genre is therefore superior to another and I wish those that should know better would keep their opinions to themselves.

As far as working out which genre is the best to learn, this is easy because it should be the genre that you enjoy listening to the most.

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