Is Tonebass Piano Worth Your Time and Money ?

I first came across Tonebass Piano on Facebook. I was not looking for anything in particular, it just showed up as short videos that I might want to watch – you know how Facebook works, it puts articles and videos on your feed, that its algorithms think you might like. It was a video about … Read more

When Playing the Piano, Which is More Important – The Right Hand or The Left Hand?

The piano, together with the organ and harp are unique musical instruments in the sense that each hand can play notes independently of the other hand. If you think about stringed instruments such as guitar and violin, the left hand usually determines what note or notes are played while the right hand determines the quality … Read more

How to Instantly Improve Your Piano Playing With Little Effort

Yes! You too can instantly improve your piano playing with this one little step that takes very little effort and has the potential to transform your piano playing and take it to a whole new level! As I write this , I feel like I am channeling some voice over person on an infomercial that … Read more

Trust Me! I’m a Professional!

The words ‘trust me’ I think invoke suspicion rather than confidence on the internet and with good reason – there are so many people that discuss topics on which they have absolutely no information on. All they have is uninformed opinion being claimed as fact. I think a bit of skepticism is a good thing … Read more

What Are Enharmonic Equivalents and Why Do They Exist?

Enharmonic Equivalents are one of those music terms that sound complex but aren’t actually complex at all. Basically enharmonic equivalents are where the one note can have more than one name. Sometimes when I am explaining this to a piano student of mine and they have a puzzled look on their face, I use the … Read more

Learning to Play the Piano Is Not Achievable in Just a Few Weeks

I know it seems like I don’t like online piano courses and the truth is that because I have not looked at any of them in depth, any opinion I have at this stage is completely irrelevant. However, I often object to the way these online piano courses word their advertisements. One aspect I really … Read more