A Review of Piano Genius

In my quest to find quality resources on the internet, I stumbled on a YouTube video called “Learn the Number System to Play Scales and Chords Easily”. First of all, I found this particular video to be well presented with the picture of a keyboard lighting up the notes that he is playing, so you … Read more

Perception May Not Always Line Up With Reality

Most people think that to be good at playing the piano, you have to be talented. The reason why I have come to this conclusion is because I have met so many people that when they find out that I teach the piano, basically indicate that they are not musically talented and could never learn … Read more

A Review of Piano Video Lessons

Piano Video lessons is both a website and a You Tube Channel. Both present as a very professionally run business and at first glance, I’m actually quite impressed with the quality of information given and the way that it is all presented. As part of the You Tube channel there about 96 sequential lessons that … Read more

What is the Point to Learning Music Theory?

As a child and teenager, I did not enjoy learning music theory, but I had to because my piano teacher made it compulsory. I am not alone. Many piano students do not enjoy doing theory, simply because it isn’t as fun as actually playing the piano. By the time I got to study music at … Read more

What Can I Do For You?

I’ve been writing this blog for well over a year now and I have been reflecting on how much information I have managed to impart in my own unique way. I’ve also been pondering how much I have tried to encourage retirees and older, to learn to play the piano because I know that there’s … Read more

Mezzo Staccato – What is it?

When I was a music student, I learned that mezzo staccato means moderately short and detached. To me, this made sense because my understanding of mezzo meant moderately and staccato meant short and detached. For the longest time, the definition seemed quite suitable. However, it seems that in the last few years there has been … Read more

Scale Degree Names and Why They Are Important

Most, but not all scales have scale degree numbers of 1 through to 7. The starting note is known as 1 and the numbers are assigned in order, so the 7th degree or note of a scale is the one just before you get to a higher version of your starting note. So the scale degree … Read more