Why I Choose to Only Play Classical Music

I hope that in writing these blogs it is obvious that I respect and appreciate the different styles and genres of piano music. I genuinely think that every genre and every style has its place and that just because I have a certain penchant for classical music, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate other types of … Read more

How Often Should You Practice The Piano

There are all sorts of ideas and notions as to how much a person should practice, but the answer is not really a simple one as it is entirely appropriate for different people to practice in differing amounts. What I am trying to do is to present some ideas that will help you pinpoint how … Read more

When NOT to Practice the Piano

If you are learning to play the piano, then obviously it is important to practice the piano on a regular basis, or you won’t achieve any sort of proficiency, but there are times when it is actually important NOT to practice. The first occasion where I think it is important to give some piano practice … Read more

You Don’t Have to Be a Kid to Learn to Play the Piano

There is a common misconception out there that learning to play the piano is only possible when you are a kid. This is simply not true. People of all ages can learn to play the piano if they are willing to put in the effort. Sometimes adults believe that either they have missed their window … Read more

Playing Any Song By Ear In 3 Steps – A Review

As I frequently do, I was scrolling through YouTube and I came across a very interesting video that I would like to respond to. The name of the video is ‘Playing Any Song By Ear in 3 Steps’which was produced by a YouTube channel called Mark’s Piano – PGN Piano. I can only presume that … Read more

Singing While Playing the Piano

There is a lot of people, both professionals and amateurs that sing while they play the piano. To top it all off, they also make it look effortless. For some people,  it is actually effortless, but for others it is not effortless at all. For some, it takes a lot of hard work to sing … Read more