What is the Difference Between Simple Time and Compound Time?

As a piano teacher, I have been asked this question many times and sometimes the information available is not clear cut. First of all, every time signature that exists in western traditions of music falls into the category of either simple time or compound time. Simple time includes: 2/4, 3/4,  4/4 Compound time examples are: … Read more

What is the Difference Between Wishing and Wanting to Play the Piano?

As I have stated several times before, I have had so many people that have told me that they want to play the piano. Over the years I have come to realize that not everyone that has said that to me has been serious. I don’t mean that they are lying , its just that … Read more

Does Any Sort of Musical Prior Experience Going to Help Me Learn to Play the Piano?

The short answer to that question is a resounding yes – that experience in a choir or learning to play another musical instrument when you were younger, as well as having some piano lessons decades ago does help when you are learning to play the piano now. I have come across a number of people … Read more

How Playing the Piano is Like Playing a Sport

We are all mature adults here and have gained knowledge over the years, even if it has not been our experience, we understand. So, because pretty much everyone here understands what it takes to play a sport well, I thought I would explain just how much learning to play the piano is just like playing … Read more

What I Don’t Enjoy About Playing the Piano

I know that this sounds weird coming from me, who writes a blog about how wonderful it is to play the piano. It is true that I think playing the piano is a joy, but there is one aspect that I do not enjoy and it is not practising scales or learning new music. For … Read more

Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained

Most of us would be quite familiar with the expression of ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’. It was certainly a phrase that I heard my mother say many times when I was little and in some ways, I have taken it to heart. ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’, really does put into a compact expression the notion … Read more

Why Retirees and Older People Can be Nervous at Starting at a Later Age

I have my own particular theory as to why retirees and older people can be quite hesitant at taking the plunge and finally learning to play the piano. We live in a society that glorifies youth. Don’t get me wrong, I am not against young people – they can have so much optimism and energy, … Read more