What to do When You Haven’t Practiced Due to Illness or Holiday

Over the years I have formulated the opinion that retired people usually have one of two reasons why they legitimately might not be able to practice for a period of time and the reasons are because of traveling or because of illness – either being ill themselves or having to care for a loved one … Read more

A Review of Piano Roadmap

Piano Roadmap is a You Tube channel that I have stumbled upon in my quest to find decent resources for you online. I like Piano Roadmap because first and foremost, the lady that is featured (I believe her name is Susan), knows what she is talking about. She clearly has been or currently is a … Read more

What is the Point to Learning Music Theory?

As a child and teenager, I did not enjoy learning music theory, but I had to because my piano teacher made it compulsory. I am not alone. Many piano students do not enjoy doing theory, simply because it isn’t as fun as actually playing the piano. By the time I got to study music at … Read more

Writing the Names of the Notes on the Music

This is actually a pet peeve of mine – students writing the letter names of the notes on their music. It happens so often. I do understand why students attempt to do this. Students are thinking that this is a short cut. As a one off, it does make it easier to so called read … Read more

Why People Procrastinate About Learning to Play the Piano

Let’s face it – everyone procrastinates about something and a sizable proportion of people who find excuses so they can legitimately put off learning to play the piano are older adults. I will absolutely acknowledge that there are a number of people that end up waiting until they are well and truly retired, because of … Read more

Positioning Yourself Correctly at the Piano

Positioning yourself at the piano, including having your hands in a good shape, is a topic that doesn’t get talked about much, but I think it is important. It’s important because if you are not positioned correctly, you could be causing soreness somewhere in your body, or worse, you could end up doing yourself an … Read more