Playing the Piano is my Happy Place

Recently I was talking to some friends whose teenage daughter had been taking piano lessons for a number of years and even though I knew that she was learning to play the piano, I had never actually heard her play until recently. So I was telling her mum about the circumstances that allowed me to … Read more

Progress, No Matter How Small, Is Still Progress

When it comes to learning to play the piano, there is one thing that typically kids and teenagers do better than adults and that is not being in a hurry to get good at playing the piano. In most things in life, kids and teenagers are known to be more impulsive and in a hurry … Read more

People That Want to Return to Playing the Piano After Many Years

I know that on this blog, I spend a lot of time encouraging those people that have always wanted to learn to play the piano, but for whatever the reasons, there just seemed there was never the opportunity. I have spoken to hundreds of people on this very topic over the years and the conclusion … Read more

Rote Learning Has Its Place

When we were young and in school, a lot of the learning we did was rote learning, but then in the eighties and nineties, rote learning was considered antiquated (or at least this was the experience in Australia). It’s funny how things can go in and out of fashion – even in education circles. Now … Read more

Learning to Play the Piano is Just Another Skill

By the time people have reached the age of retirement, they have amassed quite a lot of skills. You probably don’t even realize just how many skills you actually have. It is just my opinion that even by the time a person hits their mid forties, they know quite a bit that the younger generation … Read more

A Review of Piano Genius

In my quest to find quality resources on the internet, I stumbled on a YouTube video called “Learn the Number System to Play Scales and Chords Easily”. First of all, I found this particular video to be well presented with the picture of a keyboard lighting up the notes that he is playing, so you … Read more