How Often Should You Practice The Piano

There are all sorts of ideas and notions as to how much a person should practice, but the answer is not really a simple one as it is entirely appropriate for different people to practice in differing amounts. What I am trying to do is to present some ideas that will help you pinpoint how … Read more

Singing While Playing the Piano

There is a lot of people, both professionals and amateurs that sing while they play the piano. To top it all off, they also make it look effortless. For some people,  it is actually effortless, but for others it is not effortless at all. For some, it takes a lot of hard work to sing … Read more

Why Are Rests So Important

It is really only music that heavily uses notation, that uses rests, so I’m talking about classical music and jazz music. However, if you play popular music that doesn’t rely on printed music, you still should be made aware of rests and use them in your playing. Rests are simply gaps of silence in the … Read more

The Benefits of Playing the Piano

The main benefit out of playing the piano in retirement is obviously doing something that is enjoyable for the ones that want to learn. However, playing the piano has far more benefits other than just giving people pleasure and joy. Playing the piano has a number of health benefits that are particularly significant as people … Read more

Jazer Lee – Content Creator on YouTube

Jazer Lee is a piano content creator on YouTube and he has quite a number of videos in his channel. While I have not seen all of his videos, I have seen a number of them. In a nutshell, he produces quality content. He explains various concepts quite clearly and he is very pleasant to … Read more

There is More Than One Way to Learn to Play the Piano

There is a multitude of ways to learn to play the piano  but sometimes it seems like that there really is only one way. There are all sorts of content creators online, whether it is YouTube or creators that have their own websites or apps that will tell you that they have the best way … Read more