You Don’t Have to be Anxious About Doing Piano Exams

First of all, let me state that piano exams are not for everyone. Some people, young or older are quite happy to learn to play the piano without ever taking a piano exam and they can become a very proficient piano player. Some people enjoy the extra challenge that comes with taking piano exams. But, … Read more

When Are You Too Old to Learn to Play the Piano?

So when are you considered too old to learn to play the piano? That’s a really easy answer and that answer is never. You are never too old to learn to play the piano. It doesn’t matter even if you are learning in the twilight years of your life because as long as you have … Read more

Practicing for 5 to 7 Minutes Per Day is All that is Necessary to Make Progress

For the very early years of teaching the piano, I have recommended for students, especially beginners to practice for 5 to 7 minutes every day. I decided that this would be my recommendation simply because when I was a beginner piano student, I was told to practice between 5 and 7 minutes per day. Hundreds … Read more

Practicing is not Playing and Playing is not Practicing

So how can practicing the piano not be playing the piano and vice versa? The really simple answer is that both fulfil a completely different function. Playing a piece of music really happens once you have learned how to play the particular piece of music. You play a piece of music when you know it … Read more

The Good News About the Fact That Everyone Has a Weakness

I’ve been teaching many years and one of the many things I have noticed over the years is that everyone has a weakness. What I mean by this is that everyone will have some aspect that they really have to work on, while other areas they will master quickly. I don’t mind admitting that my … Read more