Why the Piano is the Best Musical Instrument for Introverts

I don’t think it is a particularly common to think about what instrument suits what personality, but I believe some scientists somewhere have done a study to try and match personality types to musical instruments. I once knew a high school music teacher that channeled students into playing certain instruments solely on what he believed … Read more

What is the Difference Between a Keyboard and a Synthesizer?

Sometimes the words ‘keyboard’ and ‘synthesizer’ are used interchangeably. It could be argued that a synthesizer is in fact a keyboard, using the broader definition of the word. That would make pianos, electric pianos, organs and harpsichords all keyboard instruments. Most of the time though, referring to a keyboard is referring to a specific musical … Read more

Does the Way You Position Your Hands on the Piano Actually Matter?

The simple answer to this question is yes. It does matter how you hold your hands when you are playing the piano for a number of reasons. The most important reason is to prevent strain and injury and while I think that this is important for everyone who plays the piano, I think it is … Read more

Classical Music is Meant to Be Played As Written

When I was  a kid learning to play the piano, I was very much taught a classical method, playing classical music. I never learned as such to play modern popular music or jazz music. My piano teachers only knew how to play classical music so therefore that is all that they taught, which is actually … Read more

How to Instantly Improve Your Piano Playing With Little Effort

Yes! You too can instantly improve your piano playing with this one little step that takes very little effort and has the potential to transform your piano playing and take it to a whole new level! As I write this , I feel like I am channeling some voice over person on an infomercial that … Read more

Trust Me! I’m a Professional!

The words ‘trust me’ I think invoke suspicion rather than confidence on the internet and with good reason – there are so many people that discuss topics on which they have absolutely no information on. All they have is uninformed opinion being claimed as fact. I think a bit of skepticism is a good thing … Read more

Learning to Play the Piano Is Not Achievable in Just a Few Weeks

I know it seems like I don’t like online piano courses and the truth is that because I have not looked at any of them in depth, any opinion I have at this stage is completely irrelevant. However, I often object to the way these online piano courses word their advertisements. One aspect I really … Read more