How Learning To Play The Piano Is A Lot Like Growing Your Hair

I know that this is quite a strange concept, the idea that learning to play the piano is a lot like growing your hair. I get that this analogy is not perfect because usually a person’s hair grows automatically where as you don’t learn to play the piano just by waiting, you do actually have … Read more

Musical Talent Isn’t Important, Effort Is

Learning to play the piano is not the easiest skill to learn. Most people would agree with this. But what most people think is that challenging or hard equals impossible and that is certainly not the case. For starters, most people believe learning to play a musical instrument is only meant for the gifted and … Read more

So Why Do People Doubt That They Can Learn To Play The Piano?

Over the years I have had so many people tell me that they have always wanted to learn to play the piano. So many of these people have followed up with a comment that it is too late now or that even though they would love to play the piano they just think they will … Read more

Review of the Howard Kasschau Piano Course

With the Howard Kasschau Piano Course, you actually have the option of two books to get started: the preliminary book and Book 1. The preliminary book is aimed at a young beginner, while the other book, Book 1, is meant to be for everyone else. If Book 1 is used as a beginner’s book, then … Read more

Why Does It Matter To Me Whether People Play The Piano Or Not?

Why does it really matter to me whether or not people learn to play the piano, particularly retirees and seniors? Well if I really honest, this has not always been my focus. When I was in my twenties, I was very much focused on my music teaching career, both as a private piano teacher and … Read more

Online Piano Courses and the Way They Advertise

There are so many online piano courses and especially the ones that have been around for a few years are probably quite good. However, I often find myself getting irritated and annoyed with the way some of these online piano courses are advertised. The point that several make is that learning to play the piano … Read more

Piano By Pictures Review – The Pros and Cons

I have been noticing Piano by Pictures pop up on my Facebook feed quite a bit recently and they seem to have a well thought out system. Obviously someone at some point thought long and hard about the fact that there are some people who seem to struggle with learning to read music, so they … Read more