Chords and How to Play Them

There are all sorts of online piano course that teach you to play the piano by chords, which is a perfectly valid way of learning to play the piano. From what I gather they teach you about various rhythms that you can use but what I have not picked up from their advertising is how … Read more

Don’t Let Your Opinions Get In the Way of Facts

I haven’t thought that I am overly opinionated, in fact I pride myself on being a fair and reasonable person, but I must confess that every time I see an ad on Facebook for a ‘Learn to Play the Piano’ course, I get really irritated and automatically assume that it is probably not that good. … Read more

How Quickly Can Someone Learn to Play a Piece of Piano Music?

Learning to play a piece of piano music is hard to pin down because there are just so many factors that have an influence on how long it takes a person to learn to play a piece of music. How frequently someone practices and how long a person has been playing for are two of … Read more

The Magic Ingredient to Learning to Play the Piano

Over the years, I have had many people be amazed that I can play the piano, when they first meet me. It’s not because they think I am stupid in any way – it is more a case that they cannot fathom how anyone could possibly play the piano. Some people tend to have the … Read more

Finding the Right Piano Teacher for You

Finding the right piano teacher for a student is crucial for success as a mismatch of a student and teacher can lead to a lack of enjoyment, a lack of understanding concepts and frustration which can unfortunately lead to a student quitting. It is important to find the right piano teacher for you. If you … Read more

Why Learning to Read Music is an Important Skill to Gain

Learning to read music is an important skill unless you only ever want to play the piano by ear. It doesn’t matter what style or genre of music that you prefer to play, learning to read music is a very useful skill. If you want to learn to play classical music, then learning to read … Read more

Learning to Play the Piano Takes Time

Learning to play the piano takes time – it takes a lot of time, a lot of energy and a lot of effort. No matter what method you choose, it is going to take time to learn to play the piano proficiently and I think that is a small part of the appeal of learning … Read more