Don’t Let Your Opinions Get In the Way of Facts

I haven’t thought that I am overly opinionated, in fact I pride myself on being a fair and reasonable person, but I must confess that every time I see an ad on Facebook for a ‘Learn to Play the Piano’ course, I get really irritated and automatically assume that it is probably not that good. … Read more

How Music Notation is Logical

I have heard and read, particularly on social media that reading music is hard if not impossible. Clearly it is not actually impossible otherwise literally no one would ever be able to read it and interpret it. I’ve heard the opinion that it is really hard to read music from people who have never actually … Read more

Why Learning to Read Music is an Important Skill to Gain

Learning to read music is an important skill unless you only ever want to play the piano by ear. It doesn’t matter what style or genre of music that you prefer to play, learning to read music is a very useful skill. If you want to learn to play classical music, then learning to read … Read more

How Important Is It To Play a Piece of Music as Written?

If you are learning or playing jazz on the piano, then the answer to how important is it to play a piece of music as written, is an easy question. The answer is that it is not important. Jazz music values improvisation and reinterpreting pieces of music. Exploration and adaption of keys, chords, notes and … Read more

The Importance of Rests

Rests are one of those things that are really undervalued in western music and piano players, in my opinion, are the worst at valuing the function of rests. So rests are an indication of nothing that makes them truly something. I know that it seems like I have contradicted myself here, but I have not … Read more

What’s The Deal With Online Piano Courses?

Especially on Facebook, I see so many ads for online piano courses. I get why this happens. Facebook along with other platforms, tailor their information and advertising according to the preferences of the user and this particular user is a bit of a music fanatic, so of course they would put these online piano course … Read more