7 Reasons why its an Advantage being Older and Learning the Piano

Its been said that the best time to learn the piano or any other musical instrument is when you are young and it does make sense because the human brain can grow, develop and expand the most when people are young. Neuroscientists currently think that the human brain does not peak in its  development until … Read more

The Beginner’s Piano Book That I Use the Most

I have been a piano teacher for a few decades now and I have seen a lot of piano books for beginners. I like to check out what is available at least on an annual basis because there may be a better piano course than the one I have been teaching from for years. Yes, … Read more

Learning to Find the Notes on a Piano is Easier Than You Think

To someone who doesn’t know how to play the piano, the 88 keys that a piano has would naturally look daunting and the thought of being able to name them all would seem almost impossible. While the piano does have a lot of notes, there’s a way to break things down so it makes learning … Read more

Why I HATE Having the Note Names Written on the Music

As an experienced piano teacher, the thing that irritates me most of all is when piano books have the names of the notes printed in the middle of the note. I especially hate it when beginner piano books start off this way. I have seen piano books designed for the beginner that waste half the … Read more

Steps to Help You Sight Read Piano Music

If you are attempting to sight read a piece of music, here are some steps that are a good guideline to help you be successful. What is important to point out that there can be so much preparation done in your head, in just a couple of minutes, before you play a single note. These … Read more