What To Do If You Have No Motivation To Practice

Some days it can feel a bit blah and the motivation could be missing entirely, so you don’t actually feel like practicing. First of all, we have all been there. I certainly remember as a kid that there would be days I didn’t feel like practicing at all. You are not alone in your motivation. … Read more

Finding Classical Piano Tuition Online

I make no secret that I am very much a classically trained piano teacher and that playing classical music for my own personal amusement, is what I prefer. I have also made no secret about my opinion is that the best genre of music that you should learn, is the one that most interests you. … Read more

What To Do If You Feel Like Quitting

We all feel like quitting from time to time. I think it is part of human nature to want to give up and quit. There can be circumstances or surprises that life throws our way that makes it feel like it is all too hard to continue. So quitting seems like the logical choice. As … Read more

Reading Music – Does it Matter?

If you go on the internet to find the answer to the question of whether or not you should be reading music if you are playing the piano and you will get a variety of opinions, that are very strongly either for or against learning to read musical notation. You will probably not find very … Read more

How Well Should You Be Able to Play the Piano

At what standard do you need to be able to achieve in order to be able to consider yourself able to play the piano? The answer to this question very much depends on how far you would like to progress and how much would be personally satisfying. There are some adults that just want to … Read more

Why Feel Guilty For Not Practicing?

It is very important to practice, because if we don’t practice, we don’t know how to play the piano. This is also true of every other instrument – if you don’t practice, you can’t play the instrument. As you know, this is true about so many things in life – If you don’t practice and … Read more

When People Have Unrealistic Expectations When You Tell Them You Have Taken Up Learning to Play the Piano

Some people can be quite weird when you tell them that you have started learning to play the piano. Some people might rudely scoff or find all sorts of reasons why you won’t be able to learn to play the piano. There are also some people that expect you to be able to play anything … Read more