George’s Story of How He Learned to Play the Piano with a Mildly Disabled Left Hand

There have been so many memorable piano students that I have taught over the years. All of them have brought me many enjoyable moments. Today, I would like to share the story of one particular boy. This boy, who I’ll refer to as George, began piano lessons with me when he was about 10 years … Read more

The Benefits of Playing Scales

Years ago, when someone had piano lessons, they always had to learn scales. I’m sure that if you had lessons as a child you’d remember having to learn scales. It probably wasn’t a particular fond memory having to incessantly go up and down on the piano keyboard until you got them right. Playing scales might … Read more

Your Body Dimensions Doesn’t Matter When You Play The Piano

I was on Google the other day, looking up some information when I saw something utterly ridiculous. It was about piano players being skinny. I have never even heard of this before. This is a concept that doesn’t just seem absurd, it is absurd. This immediately got me thinking about piano players I know personally, … Read more

Playing the Piano is Good for Your Health

Playing the piano, especially in your senior years, can be good for your health. This isn’t a joke. There are definitely health benefits. Before I get started, I just want to declare that I have no medical training whatsoever and I certainly can’t make any guarantees, but what I’m discussing  could be considered as logical … Read more

Trish’s Journey Learning to Play the Piano

When people have found out that I teach the piano, a lot of adults have then preceded to tell me that either they have always wanted to learn to play the piano or they learned when they were young and now regret quitting. Even as a young teacher in my 20’s, I have thought that … Read more