Why I HATE Having the Note Names Written on the Music

As an experienced piano teacher, the thing that irritates me most of all is when piano books have the names of the notes printed in the middle of the note. I especially hate it when beginner piano books start off this way. I have seen piano books designed for the beginner that waste half the … Read more

Piano Books Specifically for Adults Learning to Play the Piano – Are They Any Good?

If you walk into a music store and browse piano books for beginners, you will discover that there is lots of choice. Obviously there are many books targeting children who are learning, but believe it or not, there is quite a few that are geared towards the adult learner. So are these piano books for … Read more

Why Lessons From a Piano Teacher Will Always Be a Better Choice

There are so many online piano courses and even apps that are out there all claiming to be the easiest, cheapest, most fun way to play the piano. Some of them are quite good while others are merely teaching you pieces of music in a way that keeps you tied to their system, rather than … Read more

Why it’s Never Too Late to Play the Piano

Yesterday, while I was at my local music store, checking out the bargains in their post-Christmas sale, I got talking to another piano teacher and discovered that she only teaches adults. Apparently, she has only ever taught adults because she is not really interested in teaching kids. Even though I have predominantly taught kids over … Read more

Steps to Help You Sight Read Piano Music

If you are attempting to sight read a piece of music, here are some steps that are a good guideline to help you be successful. What is important to point out that there can be so much preparation done in your head, in just a couple of minutes, before you play a single note. These … Read more

Perseverance was the Key to Learning to Play the Piano – a Student’s Story

With so many piano students I have taught over the years, I have so many stories to share and today I want to share the story of Sheree. I first met Sheree when she was about 8 years old and ended up teaching her for four years. In some ways Sheree seemed unremarkable because she … Read more

How Listening to Music Helps You to Become a Better Piano Player

Obviously if you are keen to play the piano in retirement, whether it is as a beginner or you are picking up from where you left off many years ago, then listening to music is something you would enjoy doing and it will help you to become a better piano player. Listening to music, any … Read more