Some Common Yet Easily Fixable Mistakes

There are some mistakes that are very common to piano students, so much so that I would argue that everyone has made these at some point. I know I have and so have all my piano students (although some more than others). The first very fixable mistake that everyone makes at some point or other … Read more

What Are Good Reasons for Learning to Play the Piano in Retirement

There are a number of perfectly valid reasons why someone would take up learning (or re-learning) to play the piano in retirement. The most obvious and I reckon the best reason is because they want to. Playing the piano can give so much joy to the one who plays, not just because of the music … Read more

You Don’t Have to be Anxious About Doing Piano Exams

First of all, let me state that piano exams are not for everyone. Some people, young or older are quite happy to learn to play the piano without ever taking a piano exam and they can become a very proficient piano player. Some people enjoy the extra challenge that comes with taking piano exams. But, … Read more

When Are You Too Old to Learn to Play the Piano?

So when are you considered too old to learn to play the piano? That’s a really easy answer and that answer is never. You are never too old to learn to play the piano. It doesn’t matter even if you are learning in the twilight years of your life because as long as you have … Read more