6 Reasons Why Playing the Piano in Retirement is Good for Your Mental Health

There are physical health benefits to playing the piano as well as mental health benefits. While there are some overlaps with aspects of piano playing that are good for both physical and mental health, here is a list of six mental health benefits of playing the piano, particularly as a person ages. Most of the … Read more

An Interesting Conversation with a Former Professional Musician

Recently, I found myself having a very interesting conversation with someone I recently met. We are both school teachers and discussing how much we enjoyed working with children. When I expressed how much I enjoyed teaching music, she revealed to be that she used to be a classical musician who worked in various orchestras and … Read more

Why Piano for Retirees Exists – Because Piano Playing Retirees Are Not Uncommon

As I have been writing for Piano For Retirees for a few months now and people are starting to hear about this blog, I often get quizzed as to why even write about piano playing retirees in the first place. The answer is actually a very simple one – there are actually quite a lot … Read more

My Favorite Music Store – Winston Music in Adelaide, South Australia

In many previous blog posts, I have briefly referred to my favorite music, but I have never actually mentioned them by name. I was originally not going to share their name simply for the fact that while I am a loyal Winston Music customer, I can acknowledge that there would likely be other music stores … Read more

The Beginner’s Piano Book That I Use the Most

I have been a piano teacher for a few decades now and I have seen a lot of piano books for beginners. I like to check out what is available at least on an annual basis because there may be a better piano course than the one I have been teaching from for years. Yes, … Read more