Do Popular Songs Really Only Contain 4 Chords?

For all the learn to play the piano courses online, they frequently claim that a lot of popular songs only contain four chords and that’s it. This claim is often made with other claims that range from the seemingly unlikely, such as “this is a totally unique program”, to the utter absurd one I read … Read more

A Guide to the Cycle of Fifths

The diagram that is often depicted for the Cycle of Fifths is: (This chart is courtesy of Grosse Pointe Music Academy) The above diagram is typically how we see the Cycle (or Circle) of Fifths (sometimes it is labeled as Fourths as well). To be honest, I don’t really like this common diagram as it … Read more

Musical Scales and How They Are Structured

Once you have a sound understanding of tones (whole tones) and semitones (half tones), then you can work out what the various scales are. Major Scale – this scale has seven notes in it but when you play it on the piano you finish on the note you start just an octave higher. The pattern is … Read more

7 Reasons why its an Advantage being Older and Learning the Piano

Its been said that the best time to learn the piano or any other musical instrument is when you are young and it does make sense because the human brain can grow, develop and expand the most when people are young. Neuroscientists currently think that the human brain does not peak in its  development until … Read more

The Naysayers

So you’ve decided that you are going to learn to play the piano now that you’re retired. Or maybe its a case of picking up where you left off so many years ago. You’re excited and you start telling family and friends. Many people are excited and pleased for you – others not quite so … Read more

Musical Intervals and Why They Are Important to Understand

In order to understand chords and scales and how they are structured, you need to understand what an interval is. Quite simply an interval is the distance between any two notes. Semitones are also known as Half Tones in the US, which is really the same thing as the word semi literally means half. Semitones are … Read more

Having Arthritis Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Play the Piano

I was having a conversation with an acquaintance of mine who is retired and probably in her late sixties. For some reason we got on the subject of arthritis. She was telling me that she had it in most of her fingers, that used to be painful but ever since she had her joints (the … Read more