When you are playing the piano, it is fair and reasonable that you should feel some sense of joy when you are playing, at least most of the time. However, there are some other emotions that are perfectly valid to feel while you are playing. All of these emotions, while it doesn’t always feel good, are actually positive.
The most obvious emotion, that at least piano students feel on a frequent basis is frustration. When you are learning something new, or a piece that you are playing, refuses to work, then it is very easy to become frustrated. This is actually a good thing, even though it doesn’t feel good to be frustrated, is because of the fact that if you are feeling frustrated, you are trying to stretch to improve your skills or your knowledge, which means you are in the process of improving.
Another emotion that can come from playing the piano, is being angry. Again, it doesn’t feel good, but sometimes it is useful to allow yourself to be angry while playing the piano. I have had many days when I have come home from work, and have felt so angry about my day, that I have pulled out this one piece of music that has a lot of big loud chords that you can play with a heavy hand. I have literally thumped my way through this piece of music to express my anger and by the time I have finished playing it, I feel so much better.
You can also feel a sense of peace or serenity from playing the piano. I must admit, there have been times where I have really mellowed out, simply from playing certain pieces of music. There have also been times in my life, when this sort of calm, serene music has helped me in my grieving process of a loved one.
The last emotion I would like to mention is that sometimes I feel mischievous and I can often find a selection of pieces that will satisfy this particular mood.
There are all sorts of music, that can make you feel certain feelings and playing the appropriate piano piece can really make a person feel a lot more than just joy. In many ways, I see playing the piano as visiting a good friend – one that I can truly be myself around, no matter what mood I am in.