It  Doesn’t Matter…

It doesn’t matter if you have never learned music before. All of us have to start somewhere and not everyone has been fortunate to have the right set of circumstances to learn music before, and not everyone has had the opportunity or priveledge to be able to have piano lessons when they were younger, or have the right encouragement to keep going.

It doesn’t matter if money is tight and you feel as if you can’t afford to learn to play the piano. You can get a very cheap keyboard or buy a second hand piano. Here in Australia, second hand pianos tend to be quite affordable because not many people buy second hand pianos much these days. Also, you don’t have to afford to pay for private piano lessons – there are plenty of free YouTube videos that will teach you the basics. Sure, it is not as efficient as having a piano teacher, but it still is possible to learn.

It doesn’t matter if you think that you don’t have talent. Talent is very much overrated in my opinion. What will make all the difference is the amount of practice you do over the long term and your willingness to learn and overcome challenges.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have hours each day to spend practicing. What really can make a huge difference is somewhere between 15 and 30 minutes a day, most days. If you are just starting out, then you would be amazed how much progress you can make in only 5 minutes a day, every day.

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or more advance. It doesn’t matter at all, as to how much skill you have. What the real question is whether you are happy enough with the music you play. When I was 11 years old and we went to visit my piano playing grandmother in another state, both my grandmother and I realized that I had now passed her with my skill level. This did not phase my grandmother one bit as she still sat at her piano every morning after breakfast and played for hours, quite literally fulll of joy. I felt so priveldged to sit and watch her play the piano – it’s my favorite memory of her.

It doesn’t matter if you have people that understand and support you learning to play the piano. Some of you will unfortunately have people that understand your desire or worse, will try and discourage you. If you know that you want to play the piano, then no-one else’s opinion matter.

It doesn’t matter if your situation is perfect, rarely does the perfect circumstances happen in life.

What does matter is if you make yourself happy by learning to play the piano. That is the only thing that does matter.