I Wish You Knew What I Know

I  wish you knew what I know because then you would understand that the indecision and the constant battle internally, that can happen to some people, is just a waste of time, that you could be using to learn to play the piano or refining your skill level. I know that it may come across as arrogant, but it is true – you really are wasting a lot of time debating with yourself.

I wish you knew what I know, because you would then have a substantial amount of knowledge of music and of playing the piano and all you would have to do is apply that knowledge and build up a muscle memory of the particular pieces of music that you want to play frequently.

I wish you knew what I know because you would understand how playing the piano is more than just fun – it is a chance to experience peace and joy because of the music. It can be an opportunity to express your emotions, like frustration, anger and even sadness, then feel better afterwards for expressing those emotions. I wish you knew that playing the piano is like visiting a dear, old friend.

I wish you knew what I know that it doesn’t matter in the slightest as to whether you can play the piano well or not, nor does it matter what anyone else thinks of your skills. All that really matters is whether you are satisfied with how much you know and how well you can play. There  is absolutely no point in comparing yourself to others. In fact, comparing your skill level to others only serves to make you disappointed with your skills and rob of the joy that comes from playing the piano.

I wish you knew what I know and then you would be convinced without a doubt, that you could learn to play the piano. I have seen the very old and the very young successfully learn. I have seen people with ASD and ADHD learn to play the piano really well. I have seen piano students acquire permanent injuries to their hand or fingers and still continue to improve. I know people that have arthritis and still play the piano.

I wish you knew what I know that despite any circumstances or hindrances, that you could find a way to either learn to play the piano or still play the piano.

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