Finding Classical Piano Tuition Online

I make no secret that I am very much a classically trained piano teacher and that playing classical music for my own personal amusement, is what I prefer. I have also made no secret about my opinion is that the best genre of music that you should learn, is the one that most interests you.

I have looked quite extensively and I have found that on YouTube, there is not a whole lot of videos to help a person learn to play classical music. Obviously there is some, but the vast majority is geared towards those who are interested in playing modern or pop music.

It is good that there is so much choice for those who want to learn to play modern piano, but proportionally there is much less of a choice for those who want to learn classical piano or jazz piano.

Maybe one of the reasons that this is the case, is because perhaps content creators presume that people who want to learn classical piano, want a classical approach with a traditional piano teacher. I am sure that this is the case for many, however, I believe that there is a bit of a gap in the market, where a classical piano teacher  could put together a series of videos to teach people who genuinely want to learn to play classical piano, but don’t want to, or can’t afford to hire a piano teacher to teach them.

While I believe there is a gap in the market, I’m not saying there is nothing available, just not much is available for the person that wants to learn to play classical music.

You will find some videos on how to play a specific popular classical piece of piano music, and while there is nothing wrong with them, they are only aimed at teaching you how to play that particular piece of music. They are not interested in teaching you the necessary skills so that you can learn to play a classical piece of music, with no external input. If you are happy to learn classical music this way, then you should be able to find quite a selection on YouTube, but you need to be warned that they will presume that you can read musical notation to a moderate level. However, if you can’t already read basic music notation, you can always learn.