Vegetable Rhythms – What Are They and How Can They Help?

In my work this year as a relief music teacher working across primary and high schools, I have come across the concept of vegetable rhythms and even though they are aimed at children from the ages of 5 to 8, I think that whoever came up with the concept was really rather clever. Vegetable rhythms … Read more

What is the Difference Between a Tie, a Slur and a Phrase?

A tie, a slur and a phrase all look quite similar and sometimes they can get confused with each other since they look like this: This symbol is typically used above the stave (staff) or inverted and used underneath the stave (staff), depending on which direction the stems of the notes are going. This applies … Read more


Welcome to you all! It’s nice that you’re here and hopefully you’ll enjoy my blog. I’ve been a piano teacher for a long time now and I’ve frequently had adults tell me that they wish they’d had the opportunity to learn the piano when they were a kid. Well, its not too late – it … Read more