How Important Is It To Play a Piece of Music as Written?

If you are learning or playing jazz on the piano, then the answer to how important is it to play a piece of music as written, is an easy question. The answer is that it is not important. Jazz music values improvisation and reinterpreting pieces of music. Exploration and adaption of keys, chords, notes and … Read more

Are You Practicing Too Much?

I know it seems like a crazy question to ask, but are you practicing too much? Even though the vast majority of piano students don’t practice enough, there are some that are practicing too much. I am not suggesting that this happens very often at all, but there are some circumstances where a person is … Read more

What is the Sustain Pedal and How to Use it Effectively

The sustain pedal, is on the right, whether your piano has 2 pedals or 3 pedals. Sometimes it is referred to as simply ‘the pedal’ because it is used so much more frequently than the left pedal (known as the soft pedal) or the middle pedal ( which is only found on some pianos). As … Read more

Scales and What You Really Need to Know

Learning about scales or keys, especially when you are a beginner can be rather confusing and daunting. I’m not surprised that it is daunting because there is so much information on the internet and lots of people with lots of opinions about what is essential to know. It can get confusing, especially when there are … Read more

How Important Is Your Hand Positioning?

This is a topic that I am very fussy on and very passionate about. I think that it is incredibly important that you hold your hands in the correct manner, when you are playing the piano. I also think that it is really important for piano students should learn good hand positioning from the very … Read more

A Dozen a Day Piano Exercises by Edna-Mae Burnam Review

The ‘A Dozen a Day’ series of books that contain piano exercises have been around for decades. I know this because my first piano teacher gave them to me at the age of 7! Actually they were first available in 1954 and they have been available ever since. It’s not surprising to state that there … Read more

To Pedal Or Not To Pedal, That is the Question

Pedaling is one of those things, where there doesn’t seem to be much consensus about. Some piano players advocate a very strict idea about when and how much the pedal should be used, while others think that doing what feels right, what you think is the best way to go. I personally can see both … Read more