What is the Point to Learning Music Theory?

As a child and teenager, I did not enjoy learning music theory, but I had to because my piano teacher made it compulsory. I am not alone. Many piano students do not enjoy doing theory, simply because it isn’t as fun as actually playing the piano. By the time I got to study music at … Read more

Why 3/4 Is Not 4/4 and 4/4 Is Not 3/4

Time signatures are important and while 3/4 is obviously 3 crochet (or quarter) beats in a bar is not the same as 4/4, which is obviously 4 crochet (or quarter) beats in a bar. Clearly, they are not the same. So if you are playing a piece of music that is in 3/4 time, then … Read more

Mezzo Staccato – What is it?

When I was a music student, I learned that mezzo staccato means moderately short and detached. To me, this made sense because my understanding of mezzo meant moderately and staccato meant short and detached. For the longest time, the definition seemed quite suitable. However, it seems that in the last few years there has been … Read more

Scale Degree Names and Why They Are Important

Most, but not all scales have scale degree numbers of 1 through to 7. The starting note is known as 1 and the numbers are assigned in order, so the 7th degree or note of a scale is the one just before you get to a higher version of your starting note. So the scale degree … Read more

What is the Difference Between Simple Time and Compound Time?

As a piano teacher, I have been asked this question many times and sometimes the information available is not clear cut. First of all, every time signature that exists in western traditions of music falls into the category of either simple time or compound time. Simple time includes: 2/4, 3/4,  4/4 Compound time examples are: … Read more

Chords and How to Play Them

There are all sorts of online piano course that teach you to play the piano by chords, which is a perfectly valid way of learning to play the piano. From what I gather they teach you about various rhythms that you can use but what I have not picked up from their advertising is how … Read more

How Music Notation is Logical

I have heard and read, particularly on social media that reading music is hard if not impossible. Clearly it is not actually impossible otherwise literally no one would ever be able to read it and interpret it. I’ve heard the opinion that it is really hard to read music from people who have never actually … Read more