Why I Love Playing the Piano

There are several reasons why I have always loved playing the piano. I remember when my parents bought a second hand piano so my sister, who was older and taking piano lessons, could practice at home. As soon as it came into our family home, it captured my attention and it started  an incredible learning … Read more

Feeling Daunted About Learning to Play the Piano? Means You’re Learning and Gaining New Skills

Learning is meant to be fun and easy. There is also this perception that if you are finding something hard to learn, then you are not really applying yourself or trying hard enough. I find this thought can be quite common but not necessarily true. Sometimes learning can be confusing or daunting and sometimes it … Read more

My Story Is Not Relatable… Or Is It?

I have deliberately held off recounting my own personal of learning to play the piano because I don’t think that my own journey is particularly relatable: My parents anticipated me and my sister being musical because my Mother’s Father had played the piano (he died before I was born) and my Father’s Mother played the … Read more

Perseverance was the Key to Learning to Play the Piano – a Student’s Story

With so many piano students I have taught over the years, I have so many stories to share and today I want to share the story of Sheree. I first met Sheree when she was about 8 years old and ended up teaching her for four years. In some ways Sheree seemed unremarkable because she … Read more

The Story of My Grandmother and How Playing the Piano Enriched Her Life, Especially in Her Senior Years

Playing the piano or learning to play the piano is good for the brain at any age. For retirees and beyond, it is a great way of helping to keep the brain fit and active. I think the perfect example of this was my own Grandmother. Music kind of runs in our family and even … Read more

George’s Story of How He Learned to Play the Piano with a Mildly Disabled Left Hand

There have been so many memorable piano students that I have taught over the years. All of them have brought me many enjoyable moments. Today, I would like to share the story of one particular boy. This boy, who I’ll refer to as George, began piano lessons with me when he was about 10 years … Read more