There is More Than One Way to Learn to Play the Piano

There is a multitude of ways to learn to play the piano  but sometimes it seems like that there really is only one way. There are all sorts of content creators online, whether it is YouTube or creators that have their own websites or apps that will tell you that they have the best way … Read more

Is Learning to Play the Piano Expensive?

In answering the question as to whether it is expensive to learn to play the piano, it is like trying to answer the question of how long a piece of string is. Clearly the answer is that you can spend a minimal amount or you can pay thousands and thousands of dollars. Obviously the most … Read more

Rote Learning Has Its Place

When we were young and in school, a lot of the learning we did was rote learning, but then in the eighties and nineties, rote learning was considered antiquated (or at least this was the experience in Australia). It’s funny how things can go in and out of fashion – even in education circles. Now … Read more

The Benefits of a Piano Teacher Over Learning From the Internet

Let me just state that if you are wanting to learn to play the piano, especially if you learned many years ago or you know how to play another instrument, then learning online can be a good option. Learning online can be a very economical way of learning to play the piano. Maybe I am … Read more

What Style or Genre is Ideal to Learn?

I have frequently written about the value in all different styles and genres of music and just because classical music is actually my favorite to play on the piano, doesn’t mean that classical music is superior to all other genres. I think that it is important to learn to play what you actually would like … Read more

A Review of Piano Video Lessons

Piano Video lessons is both a website and a You Tube Channel. Both present as a very professionally run business and at first glance, I’m actually quite impressed with the quality of information given and the way that it is all presented. As part of the You Tube channel there about 96 sequential lessons that … Read more