The Frustrations of Learning to Play the Piano

I know that I often talk about the difficulties and frustrations that go along with learning to play the piano baecause I see my students experience them. I also remember what it was like all those years ago when I was little – I still vividly remember the annoyances and frustrations that I had to … Read more

How to Keep Yourself Motivated to Practice the Piano.

When you first start to play the piano, you can be really excited and really keen to practice regularly, but sooner or later that adrenaline rush of actually getting started, wears off. Practicing can become more of a chore, when it was once delightful and now it doesn’t seem to be fun anymore. Sometimes you … Read more

Practicing the Piano Regularly

The number one thing that you need in order to play the piano successfully is to practice regularly. Regular practice is what is really needed for building your skills and achieving your goals. Having a natural giftedness or talent  are useful but without the regular pratice they actually count for not much at all. We … Read more

Playing the Piano Can Help Fight Off Depression

If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you would probably be a little put off by the quasi-sensationalist title of this blog. While I do acknowledge that it might appear to be over the top, there is actually truth in this blog title. One of the things I very much … Read more

How Often Should You Practice The Piano

There are all sorts of ideas and notions as to how much a person should practice, but the answer is not really a simple one as it is entirely appropriate for different people to practice in differing amounts. What I am trying to do is to present some ideas that will help you pinpoint how … Read more

You Don’t Have to Be a Kid to Learn to Play the Piano

There is a common misconception out there that learning to play the piano is only possible when you are a kid. This is simply not true. People of all ages can learn to play the piano if they are willing to put in the effort. Sometimes adults believe that either they have missed their window … Read more