An Interesting Conversation with a Former Professional Musician

Recently, I found myself having a very interesting conversation with someone I recently met. We are both school teachers and discussing how much we enjoyed working with children. When I expressed how much I enjoyed teaching music, she revealed to be that she used to be a classical musician who worked in various orchestras and … Read more

Why Piano for Retirees Exists – Because Piano Playing Retirees Are Not Uncommon

As I have been writing for Piano For Retirees for a few months now and people are starting to hear about this blog, I often get quizzed as to why even write about piano playing retirees in the first place. The answer is actually a very simple one – there are actually quite a lot … Read more

Learning to Play the Piano with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Before I really get into this topic, I just want to state that this article reflects my own personal OPINION. I fully acknowledge that I am not an expert with Autism Spectrum Disorder and my opinion has been formulated from attending some seminars for teachers and the experience I have had with students with autism. … Read more

What Are Good Reasons for Learning to Play the Piano in Retirement

There are a number of perfectly valid reasons why someone would take up learning (or re-learning) to play the piano in retirement. The most obvious and I reckon the best reason is because they want to. Playing the piano can give so much joy to the one who plays, not just because of the music … Read more

When Are You Too Old to Learn to Play the Piano?

So when are you considered too old to learn to play the piano? That’s a really easy answer and that answer is never. You are never too old to learn to play the piano. It doesn’t matter even if you are learning in the twilight years of your life because as long as you have … Read more

So When is the Right Time to Quit?

This might seem like a strange article to have for a blog, where the aim is to encourage and give information to retirees who want to play the piano in their retirement, but I think it can be quite useful to discuss. There is actually two types of quitting I want to discuss. The first … Read more