What To Do When You Haven’t Been Able To Practice In A While

Everyone understands that to learn to play the piano, or to maintain or improve your skill level, the ideal is to practice everyday and if not every day, then several times a week. Sometimes this is just not possible, whether it is because you are going on a holiday for a week or two, or … Read more

Why Learning to Play the Piano in Retirement is a Good Idea

I get it, I really do. Most piano students are kids or teenagers. This is true not just for piano students but for anyone learning to play a musical instrument. If you think about it, it’s not just learning an instrument, it’s art, it’s sport and it’s often creative pursuits like knitting or sewing, that … Read more

Scales and What You Really Need to Know

Learning about scales or keys, especially when you are a beginner can be rather confusing and daunting. I’m not surprised that it is daunting because there is so much information on the internet and lots of people with lots of opinions about what is essential to know. It can get confusing, especially when there are … Read more

How Important Is Your Hand Positioning?

This is a topic that I am very fussy on and very passionate about. I think that it is incredibly important that you hold your hands in the correct manner, when you are playing the piano. I also think that it is really important for piano students should learn good hand positioning from the very … Read more

Are We There Yet?

How many times have we been in a car, driving a half and hour or more, or even on a road trip, a kid will ask the age old question of “Are we there yet?” and we the adults try and give a satisfactory answer. These answers can range from “we’ve only just left” to … Read more

How Learning To Play The Piano Is A Lot Like Growing Your Hair

I know that this is quite a strange concept, the idea that learning to play the piano is a lot like growing your hair. I get that this analogy is not perfect because usually a person’s hair grows automatically where as you don’t learn to play the piano just by waiting, you do actually have … Read more

How Much Piano Practice Should I Do?

The answer to the question of how much piano practice should a person do can vary greatly. If you have a piano teacher then I would recommend going with what they advise simply because they know you (or will get to know you)  and I don’t! If you are a beginner then I would encourage … Read more