Don’t Let Your Opinions Get In the Way of Facts

I haven’t thought that I am overly opinionated, in fact I pride myself on being a fair and reasonable person, but I must confess that every time I see an ad on Facebook for a ‘Learn to Play the Piano’ course, I get really irritated and automatically assume that it is probably not that good. … Read more

How Quickly Can Someone Learn to Play a Piece of Piano Music?

Learning to play a piece of piano music is hard to pin down because there are just so many factors that have an influence on how long it takes a person to learn to play a piece of music. How frequently someone practices and how long a person has been playing for are two of … Read more

Why People Who Play the Piano by Ear Can’t Read Music

I recently got a comment from someone who was refuting my claim that anyone could learn to read music. He mentioned that despite something like 8 teachers over 10 years couldn’t get him learning to read music. First of all, that is some serious dedication and effort and clearly the issue was not an incompetent … Read more

The Magic Ingredient to Learning to Play the Piano

Over the years, I have had many people be amazed that I can play the piano, when they first meet me. It’s not because they think I am stupid in any way – it is more a case that they cannot fathom how anyone could possibly play the piano. Some people tend to have the … Read more