Singing While Playing the Piano

There is a lot of people, both professionals and amateurs that sing while they play the piano. To top it all off, they also make it look effortless. For some people,  it is actually effortless, but for others it is not effortless at all. For some, it takes a lot of hard work to sing at the same time as playing the piano.

I must admit, that I do not find it easy, although it is not the hardest thing that I have ever done. For me, it takes some effort to coordinate singing while I play the piano. The issue for me is nothing to do with singing. Singing by itself comes very easily and naturally – I have always enjoyed singing and for a few years, I even took singing lessons. I have also been a part of a few choirs over the years. Singing has come so naturaly to me, that my mother told me stories that before I was 4, I would not speak but I would love to sing and I would sing for anyone and everyone.

When it comes to singing, I just don’t find it easy to coordinate singing and playing the piano at the same time – I can do it, it just takes a bit of practice.

My point in explaining all of this is that even though it might look like anyone that can play some piano, can also sing quite easily at the same time, is simply not true all of the time. Myself and others that I have had a conversation about this, have come to the conclusion that singing while playing the piano is the equivalent of playing two musical instruments at the same time.

It is playing two instruments at the same time because you need to concentrate on coordinating playing your right hand with your left hand, often playing multiple notes at the same time and on top of that, you need to make sure that you are remembering the lyrics while singing the correct notes. Then you need to coordinate your singing with your piano playing. When you really reflect on everything that needs to happen all at the same time, it really is quite a lot.

Obviously it is up to you if you incorporate singing with playing the piano, but don’t presume that it will be very easy for you. After all, some find it really easy, while others find it a real challenge that requires some effort.

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