The Naysayers

So you’ve decided that you are going to learn to play the piano now that you’re retired. Or maybe its a case of picking up where you left off so many years ago.

You’re excited and you start telling family and friends. Many people are excited and pleased for you – others not quite so and the reason that some people can be negative is because you are pursuing a dream it can make other people uncomfortable because they are not pursuing theirs.

Some people would rather go to their grave rather than risking not being good enough at something they would love to be good at. Having you become successful (according to what YOU think is success) is annoying, frustrating and painful – and it will make some people become derogatory or even downright mean.

If you are in this unfortunate situation you can either let the negativity and derogatory comments stop you OR you can still go ahead and pursue your dream of playing the piano. I thoroughly recommend you don’t let anyone stop you. Go ahead and enjoy learning and playing the piano regardless of the naysayers.

If you do have people trying to stop you, then there could be a few different ways to deal with the situation:

If they are usually unreasonable about a lot of things, you could ignore them – its impossible to have a rational discussion with someone who does not want to be rational.

If you suspect that they don’t want you to pursue your dreams because they are too scared to pursue their own, then maybe you can talk with them about what they are avoiding doing and maybe encourage them to pursue their passion.

Sometimes friends may think that with a new hobby, you will have less time for them or they might even think you will have no time at all. Obviously people’s fears are irrational and sometimes explaining that it will not negatively impact on your relationship is all the reassurance a person needs.

I’m glad that you have made the decision to play the piano in your retirement and I hope that it will bring you many hours of joy. I hope that you have supportive and encouraging people around you too.

Even if you have difficulties and challenges such as negative people or health issues, I hope you feel encouraged and you just go ahead and do it.

Here’s to many, many hours of enjoyment playing the piano.