The Fear of Failure

These days, the fear of failure is well and truly recognized, even to the point where it is often abbreviated to FOF. The fear of failure recognizes that people can be afraid to start something because they fear that they won’t be any good and will basically fail in their efforts.

I think the fear of failure is a huge reason why older people, including retirees, don’t want to take the plunge and start learning to play the piano, even though they have really wanted to for years.

For some reason that I do not truly understand, there are many people think that to learn to play the piano, a person needs to have an amazing talent for music and playing the piano. The truth is that this is not the case at all. To be successful at learning to play the piano, a person needs to put in effort on a consistent basis. It is not some extraordinary giftedness that is required . In my opinion, I think that natural talent is highly overrated.

Learning to play the piano, is like learning any other skill set. What is required is an open mind to learn new things. Some determination to be consistently working at, and building on those skills is also needed. Of all the necessary elements that is needed to successfully learn to play the piano is practicing regularly.

Some people are mistaken in thinking that learning to play the piano is for the musically talented. This is so wrong. In all my years of teaching the piano, I know it is the ones that keep practicing regularly, get to achieve their goals. I have seen students with very little natural talent, that have been persistent and consistent with their practicing for a few years. They are the success stories, not the ones who just try to get by on their talent alone. The ones that practice are always successful.

So if you are putting off learning to play the piano because of a fear of failure, then realize you don’t have to procrastinate any longer. As long as you practice regularly, you will be successful at learning to play the piano. This is 100% true.

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